spring: the wood element
21st march - 20th june
the fresh smell of spring is in the air. we look out our windows and see young shoots and leaves growing on trees. spring is a time for rising energy, providing strong roots to grow with stability and strength. we mirror this in class by focusing on foundation in strong standing postures and balances. is also a time to focus on preparing for the new by cleansing and detoxification. twisting asanas create a “wringing” effect on the abdominal organs, directing blood and lymphatic fluid into the larger vessels of the cardiovascular system to eliminate toxins. the liver is the body’s own detoxifier - it filters over a litre of blood every minute, clearing chemicals from the body. if the toxic load gets too high, various functions of the liver can become impaired so we practice asanas which help unblock this organ’s energy pathways. the liver also produces bile to help with digestion and absorbing fats. it is supported by the gallbladder, our body’s own fat buster, which stores this bile. a healthy liver is like a young tree that is green and flexible, yet firmly rooted into the earth. sap is fresh and vital like clean and pure blood in our body. the wind makes it move gracefully and fluid, just like our body in balance. when however the liver stagnates, both body and mind can become brittle, wooden and inflexible.
eat warm foods in spring time, adding more and more seasonal green vegetables . unrefined, natural foods help to keep the liver healthy and efficient. a diet composed of whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans and fish provides optimum nutrition without any chemical toxins or excessive fats.